Friday, October 11, 2013

Congratulations! NECAP Testing is Over!!

Hi Families,

Please congratulate your third grader tonight for the job well done on the NECAP testing. I saw some amazingly hard workers over the past 6 testing days! You should be very proud! On top of sitting and testing for so long, they did a beautiful job of rolling with a completely upside down schedule of specials and classes.
In the middle of it all we did some great work learning about different types of wetlands and wetland creatures and vegetation. We will continue this work next week leading up to our field trip on the 17th. Please be sure to dress your child in weather appropriate clothing. Just a reminder that we will be back for lunchtime that day. Pack a light snack that we can eat in the park.
We also worked a lot with different types of nouns this week. Some students are still struggling with the differences in proper nouns and common nouns. We will continue this work, but any extra conversation you can have around the topic would be welcomed.

Please remember that Monday is Columbus Day and we will have no school.

Coming home in backpacks is:
  • a gift from Lieutenant Rogers from the Windham Fire Dept
  • a St. Joe's basketball clinic sign up
  • Windham PTA fundraiser form
Have a wonderful and safe long weekend!

Beth Earle

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