Also, I apologize, but the web address for the blog had one tiny error and was missing a dot between class and blogspot. The correct site is listed below. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Tuesday, August
28, 2012
Dear Parents,
Welcome to third grade! I am very excited for the
upcoming school year. It was exciting to have all the students here today.
There are so many things to tell you. I
am sure a lot more information will come home over the next few weeks. Feel free at any time to contact me with any
questions or concerns. This letter will also be posted to my blog for future
reference. If you haven’t already started following it, please go to
and sign up. This is where I will do updates and newsletter type information.
By signing up, you will get an email letting you know whenever I post something
new so you won’t miss anything.
Students will be participating in music (Mondays), physical
education (Tuesdays), and art (Fridays) this year. Third grade students will not have an
assigned library time this year. They will have open times to go to the library
to take out or return books. They can bring their books back as soon as they
finish them. As soon as possible, they will be able to go down, turn in their
book and get a new one if they’d like. We will also be going to the computer
lab on Thursdays (per availability).
I will send home the
healthy working snack letter later in the week. As you are planning your
child’s snacks please try and focus on finger foods that will nourish their
Students do not pay
for breakfast or lunch directly. They
simply enter a pin number. “Lunch money” can be sent in at any time and I will
get it to the right people. You may also pay online through the lunch program.
Information about this is on our website. Please note lunch costs $2.30 and
breakfast costs $1.00. Snack milk costs $.50.
Student will be
receiving a homework folder from me on the first day of school unless you have
sent one in for them. This folder should go home each night and come back to
school each morning. Please make it a habit to look at the folder nightly with
your child as any important papers will be in there. Students will have
homework nightly. They will be expected to read nightly, as well as complete a
math paper (which will come home at the beginning of the week in a packet. They
will have spelling words weekly and suggested activities to complete to learn
the words. However, they will not have required spelling homework to be passed
in. As school gets up and running, more information will come about homework.
Please make sure your child arrives at school on
time each day. Students will be marked
tardy if they arrive at school after 8:20. Breakfast is available each
day. Dismissal begins at 2:40 and is
done by 3:15, except for early dismissal on Wednesdays. Please make sure your
child and I know how your child is getting home each day. There should be a
regular dismissal schedule (the same bus, SACC, pickup). Some parents find it
helpful to send a note each week letting me know of the dismissal plan for the
week, especially if it changes often. Also, if your child has a set schedule
feel free to send a note telling me that each week they will be picked up on a
certain day. I will have a weekly chart for who will be picked up. If there are
dismissal changes, you need to send a note or email to me as soon as possible.
No dismissal changes will be made without a note, email or phone call from a
parent. If it is after noon, please also email or call the office. When
emailing the office, please send the email to both Martha Vance (
) and Tanda Butts ( Also, if someone other than a legal guardian
is going to pick up a child, please be sure the school has them on an approved list.
Martha and Tanda can help you with that as well.
I look forward to working with you and your child.
My hope is that the lines of communication are always open between us. Please
feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, comments, etc. Working together, openly, ensures success for
all students.
Mrs. Beth Earle
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