Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pennies for our Playground Results

The following message was sent to staff this morning. I'm so incredibly proud of my students and families. You are all amazing! We look forward to our trip to Mackworth Island on May 21st. Mrs. Jordan, our volunteer coordinator, is working on permission slips as we speak. Hopefully they will be in backpacks on Friday. Way to go everyone. We wouldn't be going on this trip without you and your generosity!

 Your classrooms raised $5,738.89 during the month of April in our Pennies for the Playground contest!  The winning classrooms were Mrs. Earle with $614.89, Mr. Clonan with $314.68, and Mr. Musters with $502.92.  Second place finishes in each house were Mrs. Rogers with $452.57, Mrs. McDermott with $241.52 and Mrs. Cott with $272.72.  A house raised the most money as a house with $2,202.47. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

NWEA testing

Math and Reading NWEA testing will occur this week. Math will be on Tuesday morning and Reading will be on Thursday morning. You can help your child by making sure they've had plenty of sleep and a good breakfast. Remind them to take their time, read each question carefully, and do their best. This is the computerized test that is customized for them.

Also a note from Administration:  On May 7th and May 9th we will try a quiet lunch in the cafeteria. This was a student generated initiative from a vote earlier this year. This is in no way a punishment to students but was generated by students and they have continued to ask about trying it. 
